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Project Hungarian Update: Hungarian Horse Archers

Finally I can concentrate and continue my project to build a medieval Hungarian army. The following are some generic eat Europe horse archers. They are used in my army as light horse fast LH(F).

Hungarian horse archer for reference

These are the archers recruited by the Militia Portalis and appearing in the retinue of Hungarian Knights. They appear to have been recruited directly from the wealthier peasants of Hungary. Their role may well have varied. Those recruited as part of a Knightly retinue, be it as a mercenary or part of a Banderium, may well have been expected to form rear ranks to their Knights. Much like the western practise with retainers. This is based mostly on supposition. As stated previously Sigismund requested such archers to accompany his Knights at Nicopolis. Froissart implies the presence of these archers, though he describes them as mounted crossbowmen. However at the battle it was the Transylvanian and Wallachian contingents that were expected to clear away the Ottoman Akinji skirmishers. This feature appears time and again in Hungarian battles of the 15th Century. Reliance is placed on foreign or specialist light horsemen to act as skirmishers or counter skirmishers. These were often Wallachians (Varna and Kosovo Polje), Serbians (the long campaign and many of Matthius' battles) or Szekelers and Tatars from within Hungary itself. What is notably absent from the primary sources of the 15th Century is the use of native horse archers as massed skirmishers. The Militia Portalis may well have been an effort to create an effective light horse contingent like those of the Wallachian or Serbians. One later edict for the Militia Portalis requests light horsemen armed with bows, lance and armour. All this suggests that the native Hungarian light horsemen may not have been sufficiently skilled or equipped for a dedicated battlefield role in the 15th century and many may in fact have become the infantry element of the Hungarian armies.

Next in line will be some Serbian Hussars.

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