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Project Hungarian Update: King and Knights

These models represent King Matthias Corvinus - The Raven King, of Hungarian and his faithful nobles. They are counted as Reg Kn(S) in the game. King Matthias established the Black army, a mercenary army, and is the first line defense of Christianity against the mighty Ottoman Empire.


Hungarian Heraldry

Hungarian is used here to indicate native Nobles recruited into the Banderium of the Barons. They were equipped at the expense of their commander and only offered themselves for service. It is likely that such Knights did not come with the usual combat effective support group seen in other European Countries. Emperor Sigismund made a specific order for the Nicopolis campaign of 1396 that Knights should be accompanied by two mounted archers. The implication being that this was not a normal state of affairs. The temperament of these Nobles also appears to have been more cautious that that of their Western Cousins. There are no obvious examples of Hungarian Knights displaying the impetuous behaviour of, for example their French counterparts. This in some way may be explained by the presence of mercenaries within a Banderium which might have acted as a stabilising influence. Though it has to be said any army consistently faced with the light horse tactics used by the Ottomans tended to adopt a very cautious approach to their battles, the Polish are a prime example.

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